Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Argumentative Essays in 7th and 8th grade

7th and 8th grade have been working on learning how to write an Argumentative Essay. We will be writing our own essays within the next couple of days.  7th graders are arguing whether or not an individual has the right to be rescued if they place themselves into a dangerous situation because they want the thrill of adventure. 8th graders are arguing whether or not an individual should be charged with a crime for specific messages they post on social media if their thoughts are meant to cause hard, either physically or emotionally. Both classes are learning that there is a specific template they are to follow when writing an argumentative essay.
We have had some emotionally charged and interesting discussions over these topics and the others that we have read about. Those include should land in outer space be sold to private citizens, should students be required to learn a second language besides English in school, should the United States recognize the federal holiday of Columbus Day or should we be changing it to indigenous people day, and should there be a mandatory age required by states before a student can drop out of high school. 

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